



In the heat of the summer,there may be times when you do not have much appetite. And this is when a delicious plate of tantalizing pasta,in all its variations,can bring back excitement to your palate. Buon Appetito!

GIADA Garden Executive Chef · 迦達花園行政主廚

Marino D’Antonio

《來吃意大利菜 Come to Discover Italian Food》

Marino D’Antonio首本美食書籍,對義大利麵文化大篇幅記載

The first culinary book by Marino D’Antonio,

a comprehensive guide to the Italian culinary culture of pasta


雖然它們被統稱為”Pasta』,但其實它們都有自己的名字,如常見的Tagliatelle《寬面》、Tagliolini 《細面》、Pappardelle《大寬面》、Ravioli《太陽形意餃》、Tortelli 《半月形意餃》、Agnoloti《方形意餃》、Spaghetti《原味細長面》、Penne《斜管面》、Rigatoni《細管面》等上百種之多。

Pasta is an essential part of Italian cuisine and it comes in a dizzying array of fashions and whimsical shapes. Though they can all be referred to as pasta,each particular shape has their own name. Common pastas would include Tagliatelle,Tagliolini,Pappardelle,Ravioli,Tortelli,Agnoloti,Spaghetti,Penne,Rigatoni…


Depending on the shape,the region’s unique ingredients,and the preference of the locals,the accompanying pasta sauce can also vary,giving rise to countless combinations.






Fresh Pasta is Part of Italian Heritage

Made by Hand,with Love from the Heart

For a delicious pasta with personality

Al dente and mellow

The Unique Taste of Life and Vitality



In Italy,every region has their unique way of making pasta,this is akin to dumplings,wontons and hand-rolled noodles for the Chinese. There are numerous pasta and sauce combinations,giving your tastebuds a familiar surprise with every new experience.


Gnocchetti 貝殼義大利麵

Gnocchetti雖然長得像迷你Gnocchi(馬鈴薯丸子面》, 但它並不是馬鈴薯做的,而是用粗粒小麥粉和熱水做成。


Gnocchetti may look like Gnocchi,but they are not made from potatoes. Instead Gnocchetti is made with semolina flour and warm water. The elastic dough is then cut into small pieces and dragged over a ridged pasta board to create its signature shape,and the Gnocchetti is ready.

Gnocchetti Sardi


Handcrafted Gnocchetti Sardinian | New Zealand Scampi | Zucchini



This seafood pasta dish will transport you straight to a sunny restaurant in Sardinia with the sound of the Mediterranean Sea in the background. Scampi brings a natural sweetness and the taste of the sea to this dish,combined with the al dente Gnocchetti,it sparks deliciousness with every bite.


Spaghetti 原味細長面

Chitarra Teramana


Handmade Spaghetti | Pork & Veal Meatballs | Tomato Sauce


Spaghetti 搭配的醬汁大都以清淡為主,比如番茄醬。


The thinnest of spaghetti is called 『Angel hair』,it is named for its golden colour and delicate thinness and length,which brings to mind the golden locks of heavenly angels. Spaghetti works well with lighter sauces such as sauces with tomatoes. Chitarra is another long,thin pasta. It is made by rolling out a thin pasta dough,placing the dough over a tool that is strung with a row of strings resembling a guitar,the strings will 『cut』 the pasta into shape as dough is rolled and pressed over it with a rolling pin. A delicate and tasty pasta.




視頻截選自 CCTV-4美食紀錄片《京城洋廚·主廚的探索》

Video Clip: CCTV-4 Documentary Series “Foreign Chefs in Beijing”

這道『媽媽面』是Chef Marino童年的味道,吃起來溫馨而踏實。


This hearty and rustic 『Mama’s pasta』 is Chef Marino’s taste of childhood. Tender and flavourful meatballs,made using a traditional mix of pork and veal mince,pan-fried together with tomatoes and onions,creates a red sauce that coats the handmade Chitarra beautifully. Capturing your affection with every blissful,heartwarming mouthful.


Tagliolini 手工制細義大利麵



Tagliolini is thinner than Spaghetti and a classic in Northern Italy. Making tagliolini requires a lot more egg yolks than usual pasta. It is usually rolled out and cut into a long,thin shape and has a lovely texture. It is great with silky creamy sauces or light sauces. But the absolute perfect match is with luxurious truffles.

Tagliolini al Tartufo Nero


Homemade Tagliolini | Butter | Parmigiano Reggiano | Black Truffle


GIADA Garden的手工制細義大利麵加上層層覆蓋的松露薄片,揮發著奔放的異香,為整道菜肴註入了靈魂。


Tagliolini has always been the pasta of choice for truffles,a perfect marriage. GIADA Garden’s homemade tagliolini paired with freshly shaved truffles brings an incomparable aroma to the dish,giving it its soul. Feel that warm and memorable perfume glide over your tongue and savour the romance of gastronomy.


Ravioli 意大利餃子

Ravioli意為 『包起來』,制作方法就是用兩張面皮包住中間的餡,餡皮周邊有波浪花紋。


Ravioli,from an old Italian word to 『wrap up』,is made by laying out a sheet of pasta,adding filling in the middle and covering it with another pasta sheet,and cutting into shape. They can be square or circular and can be filled with everything from cheese to eggs to minced meat and is commonly compared to Chinese dumplings.

Ravioli alle Spugnole

Roasted Veal Ravioli | Morels Mushrooms | Parmigiano Reggiano






Ravioli is an Italian classic. At GIADA Garden,a filling of roasted veal adds a touch of luxury to our silky and rich ravioli. A sauce made from exquisite. Every aromatic bite is a moment to savour.


Pappardelle 手工制寬義大利麵




These broad,flat ribbon-like noodles (typically two to three centimetres in width) are said to have been first made in the central-northern parts of Italy. It is typically prepared flour,eggs and salt. These golden ribbons are best paired with sauces that have a rich texture. Slow-braised meat sauces are a popular choices and makes irresistible pasta dishes.

Pappardelle all’ Anatra


Hand Crafted Pappardelle | Mediterranean Herbs | Confit Duck


Luscious duck sauce coats every strand of the tender handmade pappardelle and lends full-bodied flavours to the dish. As the piping hot pasta is served,aromatic notes fill the air,and this seamless pairing teases the tastebuds,giving you a taste of classic Italian flair.


Linguine 扁平義大利麵

扁平型的義大利麵又被人們稱為『小舌頭』, 這種面最基本的做法隻需要粗粒小麥粉和水,比長面稍微扁一點而更有嚼勁,因為更容易粘附醬汁,所以適合搭配海鮮類或蔬菜類醬料。

Linguine means 『little tongues』 in Italian,a nod to the pasta’s slightly flat shape. The most basic recipe calls for semolina and water,giving it a good bite. Its shape is flatter than usual spaghetti and this shape allows for sauces to better coat the surface,thus it is often served with seafood or vegetable-based sauces.

Linguine al Granchio


Linguine | King Crab | Clam Jus | Citrus Flavour



While a common and seemingly simple pasta,the linguine is an absolute work of art. This simple pasta allows the flavour of its ingredients shine. The sauce,coating every strand of linguine,infuses the entire dish with rich essence of seafood and highlights the sweetness of king crab and clams. A touch of citrus lifts the dish brilliantly and this medley of flavours makes for a stellar dish.

GIADA Garden的自制義大利麵始終堅守傳統手工制作,原料簡單純凈,隻有麵粉和雞蛋和水。


GIADA Garden has always been proud to served hand-made pasta,the raw materials for pasta are very simple,just flour and eggs and water. Mixing the dough by hand makes it springy and elastic,resulting in an al dente texture that is ideal.

這個夏天,GIADA Garden帶您解鎖義大利麵的不同打開方式。



This summer,let GIADA Garden take you into the world of pasta and have a taste of this wholehearted dedication to the craft of pasta making. This gift from the heart,an experience that should not be missed.